For educators that want to start a profitable online business — without wasting time, money, or energy on actions that don't add to your bottom line!


Hey Teacher!

You can build a business that actually makes money & with a lot less effort than it takes to run a classroom

The Teacher Biz Basics mini course is designed to give you in-depth answers to your biggest questions about starting your own profitable online business (a.k.a your teacher biz.) If you're just getting started & want to know if a teacher biz is right for you, this is the perfect place to start!



Hi! I'm Heather O'Donnell and my business has replaced my teacher salary several times over and helped over 100,000 real people in the process.


You can package your teacher knowledge to make an income online

💡 As an educator, you are an expert.

You can package your education knowledge & insights into products that other people need.

You might already be creating resources for your classroom. Things like:

  • Learning Games or Centers
  • Activities
  • Workbooks
  • Journals
  • Assessments
  • Curriculum
  • Guides

There is a real market for teacher created products.

(And by the way, if you've never created any of these things before, that's okay too! It's way easier than you would think.)

You can make money & help an unlimited amount of real humans in the process

They're out there looking for you right now. It could be...

  • A beginning teacher searching for help with her first classroom.
  • A teacher who has just been plucked out of her classroom and dropped in a new grade level.
  • A homeschool mom searching for fun ways to teach her child.
  • A tutor.
  • A student.

There are so many possibilities.

And you — yes, YOU — can be there for them with your know-how and your products & resources.

When your people find you, they will be thrilled to exchange their dollars for your teacher-created products.

Spoiler Alert: We're not just selling activities on TPT 🚫

There's a more profitable way for teachers to make money online.

When you think about teachers selling products online, does Teachers Pay Teachers come to mind?

😬 So many teachers fall into the trap of creating products & throwing them up on a third party service like TPT, Esty, or even Amazon.

Then they give up after a few months, thinking that the didn't succeed because something their products weren't good enough, or they weren't cut out for success.

Psst... The real problem was just their business strategy.

There's a better way — a more profitable, sustainable, enjoyable way — to bring your products to the world.

In Teacher Biz Basics I will guide you through building your own business, without relying on any of those third party websites.

We don't need them.

And there's so much success waiting for you — once you rethink what your teacher biz looks like.

"Heather’s course feels like sitting down with a super successful friend who wants to help you succeed."

"This course gives you a clear, focused, and specific overview to jump start your online teaching business. Heather shares supportive, heartfelt and honest information about her successes and challenges. I appreciate her real-life examples and her thoughtful recommendations throughout the course. I am grateful to Heather for her sharing her experiences!

If you are thinking of starting a teacher business or even if you already have one and want some clarity. I highly recommend this course.

I feel reenergized and excited to share important work that can be a huge help to families. This will help me focus on next steps for now and in the future as I continue to grow my business."

- Erin McClure, teacher with an online business

A quick & easy mini course designed to help teachers bring their online business to life.


  • Have a solid plan with what steps to take in what order, to save time, energy, effort and overwhelm.
  • Quickly determine if a teacher biz is right for you without investing a lot of money or energy into something that might not even be the right fit.
  • Avoid most common pitfalls + time wasters, because you know what to look out for ahead of time.
  • Get energized + excited (instead of confused + overwhelmed) about the thought of finally starting your own online business because you now understand exactly how it all works and how to get started.
  • Take a peek inside an established, successful teacher biz to hear what has worked and what hasn't.
  • Start making a profit from your online business faster because you knew how to take the most important first steps, in the right order.

Tune out the noise...

& focus in on the right actions that will move you toward creating a profitable business

5 Quick & Easy Video Lessons will help you bring your Dream Biz to Life

If you've been thinking about starting a side-hustle or new career as an online business, the Teacher Biz Basics Mini Course is your perfect first step. It's the best way to learn how a teacher biz works, the first steps you should take to be successful, and find out whether or not a teacher biz is the right for you anyway.

By the end of this mini course, you'll know exactly how a teacher biz works & what you need to do to move forward with confidence. And you'll be ready to take action & create the foundation of your successful, profitable, and enjoyable online business.



In the first lesson, you'll have all your big, burning questions answered:

What exactly is a teacher biz? How does it work? How does a teacher biz make money?

This lesson will help you gain clarity and decide if a teacher biz is right for you.



Lesson 2 will help you dress yourself with the mindset of an entrepreneur who is prepared for success. I'm sharing my personal stories of what has worked for me, what I've learned running my business over the years, and the traps that you want to avoid as you grow your own business.

This one is a must-watch to save you from wasting time and focus on the things that don't matter and directing all that energy to the actions that will lead to success.



Who will your customers be? Who are your people? In lesson 3, we'll figure it all out & decide who you want to serve.

This will make all your future decisions so much easier.



If you're a little hesitant about creating a product right now, I've got you covered in lesson 4. I'll guide you through my surprisingly simple process for deciding on your first product. Plus, you'll get to hear exactly how I came up with my bestselling product.



Lesson 5 will help you bring all the work you've done to life and teach how to actually sell your product. You'll learn how to find the people who need you, offer them your product and make the sale.

Spoiler alert: This is probably easier than you think!

Plus, at the end I'll send you off with some celebration and extra motivation! 🎉


  • How your teacher biz will make money
  • Who your customers will be
  • What you're going to sell to them
  • How you're going to sell it
  • Plus, the mindset shifts you need to make to be ready to be successful



Want to hear exactly how I built my multiple six figure business?

In this 30 minute behind-the-scenes video training, I'm sharing step-by-step exactly how I did it. I'll share with you the good, the bad, and the ugly so you can learn from what worked for me + all the wrong turns I took along the way.

You will walk away with a clear picture of how to grow a successful teacher biz.

Step-by-Step Checklists to make taking action easy

In Teacher Biz Basics you'll learn the importance of using a freebie to grow an email list & how to decide on your first product.

These checklists will simplify the process and help you take all the actions needed to actually bring your freebie & product into the world for the first time.

(And by the way, you can follow this same process with every freebie & product that comes next too!)

And I want to help you build a successful teacher biz!

I'm a former Kindergarten teacher and I've leveraged my teacher knowledge and skillset to build a multiple six figure online teacher biz.

I have helped more than 100,000 moms & teachers with my business — I have made a difference in the world from my living room — and I've replaced my teacher income several times over in the process.

I'm also a mom with 2 little kids. I work in the margins of my day, around their schedule. I never work more than 25 hours a week.

I'm telling you this because I know it's possible for you too!

I know that if I can do this, you can do this.

I know that you can build a wildly successful teacher biz that you enjoy.

And I'm so excited to support you along the way!


Take this Shortcut to Starting your Teacher Biz

If you want to start your own teacher biz — as a side-hustle, a new career, or for a new possibility in your life — you probably feel pretty confused.

You might be struggling to know what steps are necessary, and in what order you should take them.

You might feel pretty confused about how a teacher biz makes money anyway.

My guess is you're full of burning questions, and overwhelmed trying to find the answers you need.

But what if you could have an experienced teacher walk you through laying a foundation so you could take the right actions and set yourself up for success from the start?

Wouldn't you love to peek inside a successful teacher biz and find out what's working — and what isn't?

How much time and energy could you save if you knew exactly what to focus on and what is just not worth your time?

What if someone with experience could guide you through getting started, so you can stop dreaming and actually START?

That's exactly what Teacher Biz Basics will do.

You'll learn exactly what a teacher biz is, if it's right for you, and your first crucial steps to get started.

Plus, you'll get an inside look into my successful, triple-my-teacher-salary, business and I'm not holding anything back about what has worked, and what hasn't.

This very small investment is how you set your teacher biz up to be successful — and profitable — in the long run.


🙋‍♀️ Do I really have the time to run a teacher biz?

💭 Will running a teacher biz be expensive?

🙇‍♀️ Who am I to do this?

I get it. I felt that way in the beginning too.

Our lives are already busy & it can be scary to invest in our future.

But here's the thing...

Running an online business — a teacher biz — is so much more possible than you think.

Let's talk time:

It does take time to get up and running, but not the hours you'd expect from a full-time job.

You can absolutely get started with just 10 hours a week.

Can you find 10 hours in your week to change your life?

For me, and I'm now running TWO online businesses, I never work more than 25 hours a week. I squeeze my business into the margins of my day around my kids' schedules.

Let's talk costs:

Setting up a teacher biz side hustle does not have to cost you a lot.

I really believe in building up your business by reinvesting a portion of your profits along the way.

Initially, there will be some small tech set-up costs, but beyond that you can really just recycle the money from sales coming in. That's absolutely what I did.

And of course, there are some expensive that are absolutely worth it in the beginning because of the time, energy, and frustration they will save you along the way 👉 like your business education and the small (but powerful) investment into this Teacher Biz Basics mini course.

I solidly believe that my decision to invest in my education from the beginning is one of the core reasons I'm successful today. There is nothing that can replace learning from someone who has already done the thing you want to do.

Who am I to do this?

If the voice in your head is asking if you're cut out for this, I want you to know that you absolutely are.

I know because you're already a teacher. You know how to teach, and that's the hardest part.

Using a teacher biz to help others learn will feel different at first, but as you stretch that muscle it will get stronger.

I am not anyone special. I don't come from a family of entrepreneurs. I was never teacher of the year. I just decided to start. And I learned from others who knew what they were doing along the way. By taking one step after another I have built a multiple six figure business from my living room. It's more than possible for you too.

But let's stop thinking about you for a minute.

Instead, let's think about the person out there who is looking for you.

There is a living, breathing person out there who is looking for you.

They don't know what you know. They don't have your skillset & your experience.

And when they find you, they will be so happy to exchange their dollars for your knowledge, and the products that you will create in your teacher biz.

Instead of thinking Who am I?

Let's shift that thought to How could I help someone?

What would having a successful, profitable teacher biz make possible in your life?

What doors could it open?

What options could it bring you?

What could you stop doing if you had a reliable source of income pouring into you from your living room?

It's all waiting for you on the other side of this first step.

It's time to take get started...